Author Guidelines
Editorial policy
Revista de Pedagogía Universitaria y Didáctica del Derecho publishes original and unpublished papers on topics related to university teaching, academics, teaching and learning of law, teaching practices and curriculum, and the legal profession.
Publishing process
Upon receipt of an article the editorial team will check for originality, academic and scientific merit, the bibliographical references of the articles must be 50% of mainstream magazines; and compliance with editorial norms and citation guidelines of the journal. The authors will be informed within 30 working days if their article will be considered for further evaluation. Articles selected for further evaluation will be sent for double-blind peer review. Peer reviewers will have 8 weeks to evaluate the articles and communicate their decision to the journal. The possible outcomes of the evaluation are:
- Accepted without corrections;
- Accepted with corrections;
- Rejected.
In case of having to make changes, the authors will have one week to amend their article. If the author does not answer the request for producing changes to the article, the editorial team will deem the changes as accepted by the author.
The journal does not apply any charge for editing, diagrams and publish the contributions it receives.
Format of articles
Only articles by up to three authors will be accepted.
In the first page, after the title, the author(s) must indicate her or his full name.The author(s) title, institution, ORCID, and e-mail address must be included in a footnote. Articles must be sent electronically, written in Microsoft Word or compatible format, with a maximum of 8,000 words.
General guidelines for submission
Articles must be original and should include:
- The full title of the article in the author's original language and in English.
- An abstract, between 100 and 200 words length, in the author's original language and in English.
- Keywords in the author's original language and in English.
- Full article in the author's original language, followed by bibliography.
- The article should introduce the subject, develop it, and includes conclusions. The final section must be the list of bibliographic references.
- The font for main text should be point-12 Times New Roman, and 10-point Times New Roman for footnotes.
- Justified margins 3 cm left and right. 2 cm above and below.
The title, abstract and keywords must appear in the 3 languages of the journal (Spanish, Portuguese and English).
Manuscript Guidelines
Footnotes are to be used as follows:
Format footnotes in plain text, with a superscript number appearing in text and the corresponding note after the reference section.
Notes of books, articles, codes, laws should follow the general rule of bibliographic reference but must cite the pages actually used in the article work, i.e. author's last name in capital letters, authors first name in lowercase, title of work in italics or quotes depending on the nature of the source, year and pages used.
Should the same work be cited consecutively, the expression "ibid." should be used (in italics). In case the same page is cited, no page number is added, if different pages of the work are quoted, the numbers should be indicated.
When the same work is used non-consecutively, the author(s) last name should be used, followed by "op.cit." and the numbers of cited pages.
Authors should not underline text, use letters or incorporate other ornaments. If a text is cited, it should be quoted and cited in footnotes. Italics should be used to emphasize a term or when the reference is made in a different language.
Do not use "cfr." "Vine." "Oo." "Cit.", "Ditto", "dir.
To refer to a full text or document, all pages containing the aforementioned work must be indicated (do not use "passim" or any other abbreviation). When pages of a cited work are included in the bibliography, the abbreviations "p." (page)and "pp." (pages) must be used.
Graphic elements, tables and figures
All graphic elements must be numbered consecutively according to their type (image 1, image 2; table 1, table 2) and contain a title or caption. If necessary, the editorial team may request the submission of tables in a separate document for editing.
If Appendixes are provided, they appear on a new page after the main text. Multiple appendixes are labeled with letters (Appendix A, Appendix B). A single appendix is labeled without letters (Appendix). Multiple appendixes must be numbered in the order in which they are to appear.
Citations and bibliography must be added according to the journal standards which are based on Chicago Deusto "notes and bibliography" system. This system presents the information in notes and includes a bibliography at the end of the document. Following, there are examples of the way that material should be quoted. The examples were taken from
In the list of references the author's name must be inverted, that is, first the last name or names followed by the first name and separated by a comma. The parenthesis encloses the year of publication.
Pollan, Michael (2006). The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin.
Cremades, Javier (2007). Micropoder. La fuerza del ciudadano en la era digital. Madrid: Espasa.
Editor, translator, or compiler in addition to author
García Márquez, Gabriel (1988). Love in the Time of Cholera. Translated by Edith Grossman. London: Cape.
Kaufmann, Armin (2006). Dogmática de los delitos de omisión. Trad. desde la 2.ª edición alemana por Joaquín Cuello Contreras y José Luis Serrano González. Madrid: Marcial Pons.
Part of a book
Kelly, John (2010). «Seeing Red: Mao Fetishism, Pax Americana, and the Moral Economy of War». En John D. Kelly, Beatrice Jauregui, Sean T. Mitchell, and Jeremy Walton, Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency (pp. 67-83). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Gómez Puntes, Marcos (2007). «La administración electrónica». En Martín Rebolledo (compilador), La autorización administrativa, la administración electrónica y la enseñanza del derecho administrativo hoy (pp. 11-56). Pamplona: Aranzadi.
Articles in a print journal
In the text, enter the page number of the page consulted. In the list of references, enter the range of pages in which the article appears in the journal.
Weinstein, Joshua (2009). «The Market in Plato's Republic». Classical Philology, 104: 439-58.
Zúñiga, Francisco (2001). «Apostillas: Ley y reglamento en la Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional (de la germanización al practicismo)». Ius et Praxis, 7 (2): 209-257.
Article in an online journal
To cite articles published in online journals, it is recommended to indicate the DOI if it is available, and it should always be hyperlinked. If the article does not have a DOI, the URL should be indicated.
Kossinets, Gueorgi, and Duncan J. Watts (2009). «Origins of Homophily in an Evolving Social Network». American Journal of Sociology, 115: 405-50. DOI: 10.1086/599247.
Cerda, Alberto (2003). «Intimidad de los trabajadores y tratamiento de datos personales por los empleadores». Revista Chilena de Derecho Informático, 2: 35-59. Disponible en
Acts and statutes
Education of the Deaf Act Amendments of 1992, Public Law 102-421, U.S. Statutes at Large106 (1992): 2152-2154.
Court decisions
Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966).
Conference presentations or lectures
Adelman, Rachel. " ‘Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On': God's Footstool in the Aramaic Targumim and Midrashic Tradition." Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Biblical Literature, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 21-24, 2009.