Lesbophobia, damage and recovery: Experiences of lesbian activists and artists from Chile and Brazil



Lesbophobia is understood as an expression of hate and rejection towards lesbian existence. More than episodic or casual situations, it is about the normalization of these expressions throughout the vital development of lesbians, which affects girls and women, exposing them to harmful consequences for the development of their public and private life. Based on the narrative production, from the life stories of twenty-six lesbians, this article presents a conceptualization of the harmful effects of lesbophobia and the identification of overcoming strategies lesbians found by themselves to reaffirm their existence.


Lesbophobia, damage, recovery

Author Biographies

Zicri Orellana Rojas, Universidad Arturo Prat

Investigadora Asociada del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales (INTE) de la Universidad Arturo Prat. Psicóloga, Magíster en Psicología Comunitaria y Doctora en Estudios Americanos. Realiza investigación en Estudios Lesbianos, Estudios Feministas y de la Religión Evangélica

Pierina Rondanelli Delpiano, Universidad de Concepción

Socióloga, Universidad de Concepción. Especializada en educación de personas adultas y metodologías participativas para el buen vivir.