All the Rent Fades into the Air. The Case of the Regional Productive Development Agencies


  • Francisco Durán Universidad de Aysén


The modernizing project implemented in Chile in recent decades has established a production structure predominantly rentier, that depends on the cycles of the raw materials price and markets highly concentrated. From the ongoing decentralization process, which modifies the interaction between the main regional players, this research identifies the main barriers which prevent or delay the productive transformation at local level, especially considering the new facets of decentralization in the political- institutional field. For this, the study considers the cases of the Regional Development Agencies in the regions of Valparaiso and Coquimbo. The analysis shows that economic and social factors are key to understanding the success or failure of a production development policy at local level, and the institutional factor is insufficient to explain this holistically. We conclude that the process that strengthens the endogenous capacities of the territories is essential, since they are the basis of the new phase of decentralization.


Territorial development, decentralization, modernizing project, social cohesion, industrial policy