Understanding social and economic inequities continues to be essential to establishing critical health promotion movements in Latin America. This article aims to articulate this context with an up-and-coming issue in healthcare: the public institutional of physical activity (PA) and the way in which they have been decoupled from interventions and policies that seeks to combat georeferenced inequities in Brazilian urban territories. This manuscript focuses its analysis on the city of Vitória, located in southeastern Brasil, to examine a local public initiative that promotes PA, though the exploration of secondary information about the living conditions in some neighborhoods of Vitória and the characteristics of the PA program that was obtained through a municipal database. The findings revealed an intra-urban context of persistent social, sanitary and economical inequities that have been systematically neglected by public authorities during the process of implementation and expansion of PA as a health policy in Vitória.
Social inequities, Intra-urban inequities, Health public policies, Health promotion, Physical activity
Bagrichevsky, M., & Werneck Ribeiro, E. (2021). Contradictions and challenges of public health policies in a brazilian intra-urban context: mapping social inequities and physical activity. Revista Chilena De Salud Pública, 24(2), p. 145–155. https://doi.org/10.5354/0719-5281.2020.61289